Chance or Destiny?

Posted on January 27, 2014

‘So is it destiny…’ I ask, turning around in the elevator, ‘the way our lives turn out in the end… or is it chance?’

Josh looks directly into my eyes. ‘What do you think?’

‘I’m not sure… but something tells me we just might make our own destiny in life.’

Josh smiles approvingly as the doors begin to shut in front of me.

‘Hey Noah…’

I press a button, and the doors open again.

‘I’ll be here if you need me,’ he states reassuringly.

‘Yeah. Somehow I always knew,’ I say, nodding my head with a subtle smile, feeling as if I’ve known him my whole life. ‘I just never admitted it… until now.’

— Sebastian Cole, Sand Dollar: A Story of Undying Love

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  1. Reblogged this on The Book Nook Magazine.

    January 27, 2014 at 2:58 pm

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